Research presented, fundamental aim was the systematization of management indicators related to the sustainable exploitation of iron ore in Bolivar State, taking as a case study the company CSV FERROMINERA ORINOCO, specifically the quadrilateral San Isidro, Altamira and mines Cerro Bolívar. The study was conducted in the management of mining under a field of descriptive scope design; based on the analysis of the documentation of all processes of exploitation of the mineral and its results, ompiled annual reports and their supports for the period 2013-2017. The methodological procedure of the research included: (1) diagnosis of the process of exploitation of ore (period 2013-2017); (2) analysis of the sustainability criteria applied to mining; and (3) determination of indicators of management and its systematization. The data were processed using the computational tool EXCEL®. As result there is an overall indicator that measures the sustainability (environmental - social - economic) of the process of exploitation of iron ore, the process of exploitation of iron ore, which in turn was powered by twenty-five partial indicators that allow control at all stages the process of extraction of ore; as well as the effects of variations and interactions in each analyzed variable.
Keywords: Sustainable development, indicators of management, iron mining
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