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Information Systems,
Enterprise Resource Planning
Open source
Open solutions Implementation

How to Cite

Sandoval , F., Campo, J., & Banquez, F. (2019). ERP SYSTEM FOR THE VENEZUELAN LIVESTOCK SECTOR BASED ON AN OPEN CODE SOLUTION. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 22(87), 10. Retrieved from


The proposal for solution is presented for Enterprise Resource Planning ERP for the livestock sector based on open source solution that ensures the use of reliable information, and allows users to use presented information in key areas such as purchasing, inventory management and supply chain, financial control, human resource management, logistics and distribution, sales, marketing and customer relationship management. It is to unite these elements, and provide users with a system a universal way to access, view, and use the information that models the operational mechanisms of a cattle farm, by modifying a business suite ERP open source called Odoo. This provides a powerful, flexible, accessible platform to be free and free. The end result was an adaptation of a Web application that records the information from multiple procedures meshing on the farm, as its functional structure and respective paddocks, handling different types of livestock and implemented as customizing module the ERP application suite Odoo.

Keywords: Information Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Open source, Open solutions Implementation.


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