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Type II diabetes mellitus
nursing intervention

How to Cite

Loor, M., Figueroa, F., Quijije, M., & Intriago, K. (2019). HEALTH CONTRIBUTION TO PREVENT TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(95), 52-58. Retrieved from


Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM II) is a priority problem for public health worldwide, nationally and locally. This study aims to design an educational community training program related to non-modifiable risk factors that guarantee the prevention of DM II in the population aged 20 to 65 years. It was a qualitative-quantitative cross-sectional investigation with non-probabilistic sample design, applied to 50 people in the "Cuba Libre" Health Center. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied. Among other results: 38% have a history of diabetic relatives in the first degree of consanguinity, 20% have as a concomitant pathology arterial hypertension; Both biological factors increase the chances of the development of DM II, additionally only 14% know about certain non-modifiable factors that are involved in the development of DM II. In summary, the most outstanding element was the low level of knowledge of the population in aspects related to non-modifiable risk factors that associated with unhealthy lifestyles increases their predisposition to develop this pathology, being the initial parameter for the implementation of preventive measures related to health education and health promotion.

Keywords: Type II diabetes mellitus, Nursing intervention, Prevention, Education.


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