Banana is one of the most exported products of Ecuador and one of the main sources of foreign exchange income, so the banana sector must meet high quality standards, regulations and certifications established by international markets in order for this sector reach an adequate marketing process. The purpose of this research is to determine the current status of the commercialization processes of the banana sector, the ISO 26000 standard was considered to identify the fair practices of operation with commercial processes within the fundamental social responsibility (RS) matters In order to achieve this objective, the research was descriptive-quantitative, with a transectional cut, 110 medium banana companies were analyzed, which are part of the Coastal Banana Associations. From the results it is concluded that, in the commercialization processes, the quality of the fruit is fundamental (0.881) and that the entrepreneurs invest in technology to obtain competitive advantages (0.844), although the entrepreneurs decide on the intermediation, belonging to An Association ensures the placement of the fruit in the international market (0.676). The empirical result of the statistical study agrees with the theoretical reality.
Keywords: Marketing, Banana companies, Fair practices, Social responsibility.
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