The objective is to present and validate the GERITRA methodology of occupational risk management, a technical tool to identify and evaluate risks in the workplace, allowing occupational health and safety professionals to establish operational controls, as well as monitoring of these, the method used is descriptive with a semiquantitative approach, the Delphi technique was used (consultation with experts), applying to 14 international prevention specialists and 29 national specialists, the responses were structured on a Likert scale, and the reliability of the instrument was given Cronbach's alpha with 0.967, the results showed 97.54% acceptability, the conclusions suggest that the proposed matrix is a tool, suitable for occupational risk management, structured in four elements, the identification of the job, the identification of hazards and comprehensive risk diagnosis, the hierarchy of controls and the management of the residual risk.
Keywords: job position, hazard identification, risk assessment, control hierarchies.
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