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Binary Trading System
FOREX Market
Investment Return

How to Cite

Espinosa, J., Rocha, M., & Caicedo, F. (2020). PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AGAINST THE BINARY TRADING SYSTEM. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(98), 33-44. Retrieved from


The Ecuadorian population chooses types of term investments according to the acceptability in the financial market, although the investment modality of the Binary Trading System continues to evolve in the FOREX Market, its presence denotes a high level of distrust, uncertainty and difficulty to be able to interact as an investor The objective of this research is the analysis of the Return on Investment in Financial Institutions against the Binary Trading System through theoretical and practical bases which represent true information regarding the profitability that they generate when investing. During the investigation a mixed methodology with sequential exploratory design was carried out, among the main results is that the options offered by the banking and financial system to the economic agents are in order to find the best option of greater profitability. It is concluded that, Ecuadorian investors choose those with the lowest risk, a part of this market has evolved and has been directed towards an investment modality of the Binary Trading System or what is commonly known as the FOREX Market.

Keywords: Binary Trading System, FOREX Market, Investment Return.


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