to this work had its epicenter in examining in the sphere of the Ecuadorian substantive criminal law: the absence of unforeseen guilty omission in the patriotic criminal catalog in force since 2014. For this reason, the debate revolved around the subjective typicality of the omission with the added value in the guilty omission derived from the modalities of criminal conduct. The realistic conceptualization of improper action and crime, pose a significant problem in the order of the non-punishability of the guilty omission, because in the first place the idealistic is the moral will given the connotations that its externalization implies, notion in which obviously it is possible to consider the omission guilty included. The generic method used was the exegetic and the hermeneutic inserted in the qualitative modality based on the social critical paradigm, which allowed to be empowered in exhaustive terms of the Ecuadorian criminal legal order. The type of research was descriptive with a documentary design. The data collection techniques allowed the extraction of information from the worksheets, periphrasis and summary, since it allowed the interpretation of data based on content analysis and inferential criticality. The results obtained point out the imperative need to incorporate, through partial reform, section 1 of the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code (2014), on subjective typicity, including article 26 on the guilty Omission. In conclusion, it was stated that it is the conscious and voluntary improper action that proved to be the main reference after the vacuum of the guilty omission within the criminal legal system, a concept that sets the standard in terms of involution in the ecosystem of the general theory of the crime.
Keywords: Action, Commission by omission, Simple omission, Subjective typicity.
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