There is the possibility of relating the presence of a certain blood group to certain pathologies. From this consideration arises interest in this exploratory project, which in the first instance aims to characterize the frequency of blood groups in the Province of Esmeraldas, since it is considered enclave
of the largest Afro-descendant population in Ecuador and an area with a high migratory index. The project was carried out in order to create an appropriate database for the health system and for medical emergency systems. It is a quantitative study of exploratory scope, where the type of blood group
was identified through immuno-hematoagglutination tests in a group of 160 adolescents. The sample is considered non-probabilistic, because they were submitted to the analysis voluntarily. The results revealed the following frequencies: Group O: 65%; Group A: 25%; Group B: 10%; Rh factor: positive
100%. It is concluded that the O and RhD positive groups are the most frequent. We did not obtain positive results of group AB nor of negative factor RhD. We suggest the possibility of extending these typing determinations to confirm the presence or not of these blood groups in the province of Esmeraldas.
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