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prostate cancer
prostatic antigen

How to Cite

Unexpo, R., Peña Rosas, G. D., Maldonado Lira, B. M., Suárez, P., & España Francis, N. A. (2019). FACTORES DE RIESGO EN LA PREVENCIÓN DE CÁNCER DE PRÓSTATA DEL PERSONAL DE LA PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DEL ECUADOR SEDE ESMERALDAS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(93), 7. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/150


Prostate cancer is considered a serious health problem in the Western world, and it is estimated that one out of every six men in the course of its life will develop the disease. It is estimated that this pathology is the second cause of death in men older than 50 years after lung cancer. There is sufficient evidence that early detection decreases mortality, that effective treatments are available for the disease whenever it is diagnosed in the initial stages. The early diagnosis of this disease in Latin America is very low, patients they usually arrive in advanced stages since only sporadic prevention campaigns are carried out, the tests include the rectal examination and the determination of the prostate-specific antigen. The objective of this study was to determine the risk factors for the prevention of benign hyperplasia and prostate cancer in the male staff of the Pontifical Catholic University of Esmeraldas, who attended the centers in order to make the decision to take blood sample. This is a quantitative study of exploratory scope, where the specific prostate antigen and the free fraction in human serum were determined, through an immunofluorescence test, in a group of 30
volunteers belonging to the teaching, administrative and labor personnel, the sample was considered not probabilistic. The results of this investigation revealed that an age relationship was found with an increase in total and free prostate antigen values, in terms of the percentage of free fraction, the results indicate that there could be other factors that could not be determined and that influence the percentage of risk of presenting prostate cancer and that should be addressed in subsequent studies.

Keywords: Prevention, prostate cancer, prostate antigen.

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