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Local crafts
touristic attraction
ancestral heritage

How to Cite

Mendoza, A., Freire, M., & Peralta, S. (2019). LOCAL CRAFT LIKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIO CULTURAL ELEMENT IN MANGLARALTO PARISH, SANTA ELENA, SANTA ELENA PROVINCE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(94), 7. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/165


Local crafts in Ecuador have been cultural identity of its communities since many centuries ago. It is related with touristic activity, for its appeal shapes and colors that made them unique and inimitable objects. Improving the economy of towns and cities, in addition ancestral knowledge inherited. This research has like objective to determine how the local crafts help the local economy, and cultural process in new generation, who conserves the making craft process, and make the activity like a touristic attraction. It was made using bibliography documentation and laws documents, scientific papers related with the topic, applied surveys to craftspeople and interview to public sector members. The results show the importance of it, motivations, how is distributed the money to get this craft, crafts marketing. This activity evidences the increase of 30% in craft sales, and get relevance this familiar activity that is part intangible cultural heritage of the region.

Keywords: Local crafts, touristic attraction, identity, ancestral heritage.


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