The research aimed to determine the learning styles for gender differentiation in the students of the Chone Educational Units, present in 150 men and 150 women. First, it was based on an information review study, the possible relationship between learning styles and gender was raised in the analysis of learning styles, highlighting the predominant style and gender differences in learning. A second moment the application of the Honey-Alonso questionnaire (1992). The results were treated with the t-student statistical model with the Z test, in which the logical hypothesis is accepted: "Learning styles significantly influence the gender of Chone Educational Units". Concluding in the review study and in the field research, that the predominant style in both men and women is the reflexive one, however individual differences that characterize one and the other gender are evident, which modify their style as they move forward. in his studies, that although the reflexive style prevails, it was established that women are more active and practical in fulfilling tasks.
Keywords: Learning styles, gender, gender difference, learning.
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