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Learning Styles
Educational Units

How to Cite

Alcívar Castro, E., Zambrano Velásquez, F., & Andrade Zambrano, C. (2019). LEARNING STYLES, A CASE STUDY IN THE EDUCATIONAL UNITS OF THE CITY OF CHONE-ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(94), 8. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/171


The research was born from the Science Management project of the ULEAM Education Area, Chone-Ecuador Extension, entitled: Proposed Educational Strategies based on learning styles. Case studies Chone Educational Units, was based on the identification of how high school students learn, the data obtained are from the first Quimestre of the 2018-2019 school period. The results of this work have made us reflect on how the teaching-learning process takes place. This research is considered to be of vital importance because new ideas for meaningful learning are generated through learning styles. The objective is to diagnose which learning style is preferred by the students of the Educational Units. For the field investigation the method of documentary and descriptive review was used, the z test was used to test the hypothesis; As a technique to gather information, the HONEY-ALONSO (CHAEA) questionnaire was applied. In conclusion we find that the most predominant learning style by students is the reflective one as the tables show and the Z test.

Keywords: Learning styles, Honey-Alonso, Educational Units.

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