The pre-season is the initial part of the sports adaptation processes that generally all high performance teams perform, in Colombia only in the first division there are 32 teams Professional football This research aims to develop a system of information to improve and expedite with the planning of the pre-season in football using technologies of information and communication and modern techniques of sports training. A type was used of applied technological research within an interactive and interdisciplinary work, among experts in sports training and experts in the development of information systems and technologies, which allowed to innovate in the planning process of the preseason in football, for teams, clubs, physical trainers, trainers and technical directors both amateur and professional. This allowed to streamline, manage and control this planning in a better way, being new using the following technologies: agile development methodologies, information systems, Cloud computing, web programming, mobile computing and web analytics. Based on These theories were analyzed, designed and implemented the information system. With the use of technologies the Coaches can have more accurate information about their Training processes, they have indicators which allow them to evaluate the performance and status of their players for better results.
Keywords: Pre-season, football planning, Information system, SINPLAFUT 1.0, Agile development, Scrum.
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