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Musculotendinous lesions
Tibial pylon fractures
Wound complications.

How to Cite

Guevara Garay, J. C., Toapanta Mendoza, K. B., Neira Briones, W. J., & Pincay Mendoza, J. C. (2019). MUSCULOTENDINOUS LESIONS ASSOCIATED WITH TIBIAL PYLON FRACTURES AND COMPLICATIONS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(1), 8. Retrieved from


Tibial pylon fractures are a great challenge due to the great difficulty of their treatment. Soft tissue involvement, the pattern of each fracture and the surgeon's experience are the parameters to decide the most appropriate for each type of fracture. The objective of this work is to analyze the musculotendinous lesions associated wKeywords: Musculotendinous lesions, tibial pylon fractures, wound complications.ith tibial pylon fractures and their complications at the IESS Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Regional Hospital. The present work was of an analytical, retrospective cross-sectional type, which included 73 patients with tibial pylon fractures captured from January 1, 2015 to August 30, 2017. The most frequent soft tissue injury was the rupture of the postlantern capsule with rupture of the Deltoid ligament. 42.5% (31) of the study patients developed complications, the main ones were wound infection and suture dehiscence. High energy trauma was the most common associated risk factor. It is concluded that all soft tissue injuries influence the prognosis of the ankle function because they are structures that intervene in the mobility of the ankle.

Keywords: Musculotendinous lesions, tibial pylon fractures, wound complications.


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