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Pre-professional practices
Professional profile
Quality standards

How to Cite

Valencia Medina, E. (2019). THE EVALUATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL QUALITY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL PROFILE OF EDUCATION. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2(2), 19-25. Retrieved from


The evaluation of professional work practices is the basis of educational quality. The formation of the professional profile of Graduates in Education is strengthened by the development of competencies in real contexts of the teaching profession. Higher Education has a primary role in teacher training. The qualitative research applied the non-probabilistic sample of 50 students. It was complemented with the evaluation criteria of professional tutors. The objective was to highlight weaknesses and indicators of strength in practices. The result of this research, in 2016, allowed us to visualize the weak points in the domain in basic areas, which led to improving the professional profile of the Bachelor of Basic Education, as well as advancing in the design of Careers with specialties. The Faculty of Education of the Miracle State University currently leads the academic offer of the Language and Literature Degree. The difficulties presented in the practices were not an obstacle to the fulfillment of the graduation requirement, they were developed based on the constructivist approach and Critical Pedagogy. The Quality Standards became a good point of reference in the current redesign of the Education Career.

Keywords: Pre-professional practices, professional profile, quality standards.

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