Through this article we attempt to show the importance that has the art and culture in the various levels of education, where the role of the teacher focuses on the provision of educational environments that facilitate the immersion of the learners in the various dimensions that owns the art and the defense of the cultural heritage of its people. In the same way, is evidence of the importance of the design of school projects to ensure that the teaching through the art and culture as a means of learning facilitator, as well as the integral development of the individual. The results obtained from the same shows as the State University of miracle is committed to enhancing the art and culture with its various programs or school projects taking the acceptance and active involvement of both authorities, teachers and students, strengthening the ancestral roots of all peoples through dance, theater, song, music, audiovisual and grafoplásticas expressions as a dynamic element of the learning society and tangible indication of the quality of education that provides to society.
Keywords: Art and Culture, integral development, cultural heritage.
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