Mental health in its positive sense is based on the well-being and effective functioning of an individual. The problems that affect it are associated with the prevalence such as depression, one of the main causes of diseases in the world, of which university students are not strangers. The purpose of the study is to characterize the mental health of those of the students of the School of Medicine of the Universidad Peruana Unión, specifically related to the symptoms of depression. The research was carried out under a descriptive non-experimental-transversal quantitative approach, with a sample of 163 students to whom the instrument of the Patient Health depression scale (PHQ-9) was applied. The results show that there is a group of the population studied that has a moderate to severe level of depression. Of this population there were worrying figures in the female gender. This population of students is distributed in all cycles of the career; however, they are mostly located between cycles I to VIII. In light of these results, it is recommended to design strategies that promote the mental health of your students.
Keywords: Mental health, Depression, Medicine students.
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