The prevention of health in workers or sheds of poultry farms, leads to different challenges and challenges when carrying out their work during the raising of fattening birds, be it socially, economically and in health and safety at work; The intersection of work-man-environment, copes with different musculoskeletal physical efforts during a workday, causing musculoskeletal disorder (DME). However, in an investigation conducted to several micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) of the poultry sector in Ecuador, the disergonomic factors due to exposure to manual lifting of loads, constitutes the musculoskeletal movement, caused in the shed by health damage caused by physical overexertion, causing lumbar or cervical musculoskeletal injury (SCI). Therefore, when applying the INSHT Guide, based on ISO / TR 12295 in the risk factor identification, the deviations and results are analyzed as compliance with epidemiology surveillance with emphasis on postural biometrics, benefiting physical state, metal and social of the shed.
Keywords: Manual Movement of Loads, Anatomy, Disergonomy, Biomechanics, Anthropometry.
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