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Occupational Health
Particulate Material

How to Cite

Neusa, G., Alvear, R., Saraguro, R., & Caballero, J. (2019). EXPOSURE TO PARTICULATE MATTER PM-10 AND PM-2,5 IN POULTRY FARMS IN ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(95), 13-24. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/241


Ergonomic environmental health conditions in workers or barns of poultry farms in Ecuador, are presented by exposure to different factors such as lighting, temperature, noise, vibration and in many cases, by the particulate material MP-10 y MP-2, the latter is produced by the distribution of food, external winds that enter the barn or by the feather of the birds during breeding. However, the exposure due to the presence of MP-10 y MP-2, generates in the workers the "disease of the storehouse", conceiving cardiorespiratory discomfort in the short and long term. The objective is to analyze MP-10 inhalation infections in each of the productive processes of poultry breeding in order to determine absenteeism due to occupational disease in poultry production sheds. Material and method: descriptive and quantitative research in different poultry production farms are studied from environmental conditions in the air and work spaces, according to the calculation of the finite sample of 1000 barns, with an average of 525 of different ages. Procedures: identification by pathology is taken from the specific point of view and based on previous and concurrent conditions, by time and spaces of dysergonomic exposure, with the application of consultations of data on symptoms present in health. Results: the literature review is analyzed. In this review, the hierarchy of occupational precautions by MP10, the cardiorespiratory system and pathologies of clinical pictures contribute to occupational medical control and avoid occupational diseases.

Keywords: Warehouse, Pathology, Ergonomics, Occupational Health, Particulate Material.


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