The research refers to the introduction of methodological strategies based on the use of Geogebra educational software, shows the results of our research on the types of methodological strategies and how they contribute to the teaching-learning process of the students who entered the first Quarter of the 2019-2020 school period of the Pedagogy Redesign of Experimental Sciences of the ULEAM Extension Chone. This research is considered to be of vital importance because through Geogebra educational software a dynamic and active teaching of mathematics is generated that allows the student to obtain greater mathematical knowledge with the proper use of this tool. The objective is to inquire about the use of educational software in the learning process of mathematics learning. The research is documentary and descriptive, the technique used is a survey of teachers to inquire about the methodological strategies they use in teaching. The proposal called Guide of methodological strategies based on the use of Geogebra educational software to improve the teaching process of mathematics learning. In conclusion, the use of Geogebra educational software improves the learning process of mathematics learning
Keywords: Methodological strategies, educational software, Geogebra mathematics.
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