This article discusses the research work where the incidence of the use of technological instruments and its impact on the quality of training methods in silent deaf children is envisioned. This work lasted 6 months and was developed with the educational community of the Arca GAD Atahualpa school, which houses in its classrooms 3 managers, 70 students, 10 teachers and 70 representatives. In the educational institution a low level was observed in the use of technological means, therefore, in the search for answers to this conflict, the work was oriented to the management of technology resources applied to the educational system. It was identified, through quantitative and field research with instruments such as interview, observation and survey, how to optimize the quality of learning processes, what kind of skills and abilities were necessary to develop in girls and boys with silent hearing losses; and how to improve them through specific activities, applying technological resources. At the end of the analysis of the data collected, it was possible to make and use a proposal for an educational educational platform that perfects the quality of learning processes in girls and boys with special abilities.
Keywords: Special abilities, learning processes, educational platform.
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