The present study focuses on determining the current situation of the training of entrepreneurs in the footwear sector, for this the dimensions of training are considered: formal education, non-formal education and informal education with the aim of describing the level of training of entrepreneurs and their relationship with the development of micro enterprises in the footwear sector. The methodology used is composed of a descriptive investigation that determines the main characteristics, therefore, a questionnaire is used as an instrument, which reflects a reliability index by Cronbach's Alpha, the statistical analysis is performed by Pearson's correlation because The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test demonstrates a level of significance of 0.00. The main results show that fifty percent of entrepreneurs have formal education not related to business management and more than eighty percent of respondents prioritize experience as their best alternative for informal education; Also, there is a perfect correlation between competencies (mathematical knowledge, network of contacts, marketing and sales) for the development of enterprises.
Keywords: Academic training, footwear, microenterprises.
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