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Advertising strategies

How to Cite

Paz, J., & MOreno, K. (2020). EFFECTIVENESS OF ADVERTISING STRATEGIES IN SMES: AN ANALYSIS OF LITERATURE REVIEW. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(98), 53-62. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/282


The approach presented in this work is based on the challenges that active marketing agents face in relation to the effectiveness generated by advertising strategies and their saturation in the media. The objective of the research was to determine the effectiveness of advertising strategies through the meta-analytical statistic of the Stimulus, Behavior and Response (ECR) model in small and medium enterprises. The methodological design was mixed order. Qualitative, due to the analysis of literary review and the system criteria for inclusion and exclusion of data. Quantitative, because the dimensional construct of the stimulus, behavior and response (ECR) model was related through the statistical technique of meta-analysis. The study sample was fifty (50) indexed
articles in indexed scientific libraries. The main result revealed that the ECR model is ideal for the implementation, development and growth of SMEs. As a general conclusion it was evidenced and discussed that users and consumers are susceptible and emotional to environmental advertising strategies, since they generate emotional attractiveness and influence the purchase decision.

Keywords: Advertising strategies, Stimuli, Clutter, Meta-analysis.


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