Ergonomics studies the adequacy of the conditions of the job to the characteristics and needs of the worker. The presence of ergonomic risk factors in a job position represents, for the person who occupies it, the possibility of developing an occupational disease being affected their well-being and quality of life; and for the company, it might prompt a decrease in productivity and additional costs. This cross-sectional descriptive investigation is aim to evaluate the ergonomic risk factors existing in the production area of Tubería Plástica Andina S.A. and design corrective actions. To do this, the existing risks were identified by using a checklist and an ache questionnaire, then these risks were evaluated through MAC methods for manual material handling, ART for repetitive movements and REBA for postural overload. Among the most relevant results is that the highest levels of risk are related to the tasks of manual material handling, specifically due to the handling of loads with bad grips and excessive weight. Corrective actions were conceived for the design of workstations that seek to mitigate the main risks identified, and an action plan for these corrective actions was presented.
Keywords: Occupational hazards, ergonomics evaluation, ergonomic design.
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