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Research skills
Ethical principles
Vocational training

How to Cite

Quezada Castro, G. A., María del Pilar, C. A., Gallo Aguila, C. I., & Quezada Castro, M. del P. (2020). DEONTOLOGY AS A MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE RESEARCH TRAINING OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(98), 13-18. Retrieved from


The research skills of the student must be learned and developed from the university classrooms, through deontology, which is presented as a morphological structure aimed at highlighting the duties and ethical principles that involve professional work, being so, was embodied The objective is to identify the essence of the research and its link with the training of future professionals. The methodology used was the quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive type, document review technique and signing. 87 students from three universities in the Piura Region - Peru participated, from which the discussion topics related to the role of the code of ethics in the research process, the originality of the research work, the practice of academic writing and the influence of deontology in professional practice. It was concluded that research should be considered as the essence in the formation of future and good professionals dedicated to solving the problems of reality, a situation that will be feasible through the recognition of the importance of the code of ethics for the continuity of practice in values ​​and deontology as a lifestyle oriented to the fulfillment of duties and principles inherent to the profession for the benefit of society.

Keywords: Deontology, research skills, ethical principles, vocational training.


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