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Gender equality

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Huamani-Cahua, J. C., Serruto-Castillo, A., Rivera-Flores, V. A., & Carlos Ilich, A.-D. C. (2020). ATTITUDE TOWARDS GENDER EQUALITY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN ADOLESCENTS IN THE CITY OF AREQUIPA, PERU. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(99), 17-23. Retrieved from


This study compares and explains the attitude towards gender equality in 319 adolescents aged 15 to 17, of both sexes, from three public educational institutions in the city of Arequipa, Peru that were selected in a way intentional. The instrument used was the Gender Equality Attitudes Questionnaire (CAIG), assesses six factors and presents high reliability indices. The results indicate that there are more favorable attitudes towards gender equality in women than in men, the factors being values and structure of the couple and the public sphere factor, where the differences are moderate, in the other factors the differences are minimal. There are no differences in the variable under study with respect to age or religious belief, however, there seems to be minimal sexual orientation in younger adolescents with a Catholic religion. Finally, the variable that best explains the attitude towards gender equality is sex, where women have an average of 11.9 times more than men having a favorable attitude towards gender equality adjusted for age and religion.

Keywords: Gender equality, attitude, adolescents.


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