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Gender violence
Psychological care

How to Cite

Moreira Ferrín, S. M., Osorio Rodríguez, D. G., Maya Montalván, G., & Viteri Chiriboga, E. A. (2020). ANALYSIS OF THE ATTENTION PROTOCOLS ON GENDER VIOLENCE AND ITS PERSPECTIVE IN ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(99), 41-52. Retrieved from


Situations of gender violence are considered a social problem that affects the world, under power relations, where one wants to dominate the other. This demands current research and creation of policies and protocols to guide the performance of service operators. The research was carried out using a qualitative methodology, descriptive scope, through content analysis and text interpretation; through the following units of analysis: protocol approach, theoretical paradigm from psychology, declaration of psychotherapeutic care model, care procedures for the victim and the aggressor, instruments of psychological assessment. The general objective was to analyze the attention protocols on gender violence. Out of a total of twelve protocols, selected that include the European Union, Central and South America, theoretical approaches based on gender, rights, by life cycle, ecological, multidisciplinary model and social equity were evidenced; It is important to highlight that the protocol of action of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador considers the victim, aggressor and observer as part of the intervention. The study revealed that only one protocol establishes psychological and restorative care for the aggressors, the remaining ten protocols focus their attention on the victim.

Keywords: Gender violence, protocols, psychological care, victims, aggressors.


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