The research developed to call the Marketing strategies to the Pymes in Santa Elena, Case: Company SERLIPEN SA, dedicated of the import and sale to stock of heavy transport, have as objectives sets marketing strategies to facilitate of merchandising. It proposes appropriate market segment pricing policies that are directed. Establish strategies for promotion and advertising in order to be released on the market. The methodology applied is synthesized on quantitative study of the data that are reflected in the research performed; it is an Action Research because it focuses on the marketing strategies, data have been revised and it is a Field Research because interviews of experts were applied and surveys to customers that constitute the study sample. The results reflect the business need to have a marketing mix strategies and the means by which customers expect to have the information on products and services, and promotions and deals offered by the organization. The conclusions are reflected in the marketing mix strategies designed to achieve the loyalty of existing customers and the option to gain costumers that require new products and services for the transportation market of people in the Province of Santa Elena.
Keywords: Marketing, Strategies, Market segment, Comunication.
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