The professional development and performance of teaching staff is a continuous process that contains all the opportunities and experiences that are systematically planned with the aim of raising the quality of educational processes based on the diagnosis of problematic situations that teachers face in their day by day in the classroom. That is why this work was proposed through a bibliographic review and the application of a survey to demonstrate the importance of the systematic training of teachers who teach English to immigrant students. Updated research on the subject, in undergraduate and master's theses, and articles in scientific journals were reviewed in order to be able to contrast the conclusions of these works with the objectives of the survey carried out. To carry out the survey, a questionnaire was carried out on the 22 teachers who teach at two educational centers in New York City. These institutions welcome immigrant students from various regions of Latin America and who reside in this city. With the results obtained from this survey, it was concluded that it is important and that permanent training courses should be given that enhance the professional performance of the teachers of the institutions. These trainings must be carried out on the basis of updated content on the latest assessment instruments, as well as methodological strategies that allow the quality of the educational teaching process to be raised.
Keywords: Professional training, teaching performance, English language, immigrant students.
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