This article follows from an investigation whose general objective was to determine the influence of doctor-nurse-patient relationships on the recovery of health of the convalescent, as specific, diagnose the relationships from those involved, describe each dimension of this relational triad and establish the
convalescent health projection based on these relationships. The study was a descriptive, cross-sectional field design of a private and a public health center. The information was collected with a Likert-type instrument, in a non-stratified probabilistic sample of 18 doctors, 21 nurses and 21 patients. The data
presented in absolute and percentage frequency tables and histograms were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Among the results, the high tendency of patients to consider that their recovery is proportionally linked to their relationship with their treating doctor and nurse-caregiver, however, a high
percentage, gives greater importance to the nurse-patient relationship before the others. . In conclusion, he stresses that direct relationships between doctors, nurses and patients have a highly positive effect on the recovery of the convalescent and that the role of the nurse is fundamental in this interconnection.
Keywords: relational triad, doctor-patient relationship, doctor-nurse relationship, nurse-patient relationship
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