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How to Cite

vargas, G., Lozano, M., & Quijije, R. (2020). THEORETICAL APPROACH OF SELF-CARE OF THE ELDERLY AND NURSING PARADIGMS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(1), 37-43. Retrieved from


Self-care is an important element in the health of the Elderly, so it is essential how they perceive this component; In this regard, the perception of self-care was analyzed in a group of older adults with therapeutic adherence. A qualitative investigation was carried out with a sociocritical, humanistic interpretative approach, for the data collection the structured open interview was used as an instrument. The results show that the Older Adults state that they feel responsible for their health, exercise their care with autonomy, feel part of a group that motivates them to take care of themselves and see in the infirmary
a fundamental pillar in the conception of their self-care. The perception that adults have regarding selfcare is satisfactory and plays a transcendental role in improving the quality of life in this age group.

Keywords: perception, self-care, care, nursing.


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