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child development

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Lopez Araujo, J. G., Pozo Potosi, A. E., Bodero Aguayo, Y. C., & Loor Aguayo, N. J. (2020). PLAY IN THE CHILD’S INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(1), 97-106. Retrieved from


The game is an activity as old as man himself, although his concept, and his way of practicing it varies according to the culture of the people, the human being performs it in innate form, product of a pleasant experience as a result of a particular commitment However, several studies have revealed that there is a direct relationship between these recreational activities with the intellectual development of man, especially in his first years of life; That is why it is proposed to know the influence of the game in the intellectual development in the infantile stage, for this purpose the investigation was carried out in two phases, in the first one a documentary analysis was made on everything related to the game, as well as the characteristics more relevant to the child's intellectual development in stages. The second phase consists of a field investigation whose technique was the interview with two experts in the area. According to the results obtained, children's play helps to acquire healthy habits and shape the child's character, it also contributes to children's progress in an integral way since it helps to properly develop the psychomotor, affective-social and social environment. the intelectual.

Keywords: Game, Learning, Child Development, Socialization.


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