Ethics in the digital age have a commitment to the narrative of the news, it leads to credibility and honesty when reporting. The current journalist has obtained great support in the digital media, reconfiguring his profile, which allows him to be the creator of interactive content without leaving parameters established by ethics. However, in recent years, the journalist uses information, through social networks, irresponsibly, appropriating the news without respecting the source, violating the humanity of the user and the principle of the ethics of disclosure of information. This work explains the challenge that the digital journalist has to maintain ethics and propose some adaptable deontological approaches in electronic journalism. This reflexive documentary-critical research was based on the theoretical principles of some prominent authors. Finally, it is concluded that the journalist's ethics must not be separated from his daily function and the use of digital media must be subject to ethical and appropriate behavior for the dissemination of information.
Keywords: digital journalism, professional ethics, dissemination of information.
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