In this work, the analysis of the abbreviated procedure contemplated in the Organic Comprehensive Organic Code of Ecuador is presented, which has as its legal nature, the simplification of the procedural stages in a single trial hearing, a root of which the accused accepts what is attributes to it, and consequently receives a reduction in the corresponding penalty. Although it is true, even when there is an apology that said procedure is based on the spontaneity and consent of the process, it is also true that there is a psychological coercion that places the defendant in a state of defenselessness, regarding the decision on which will be at stake their freedom, since there is a legal negotiation regarding the right to defense and due process, any expressly proclaims the Constitution of Ecuador and in the International Human Rights Treaties to which we are adhered as State.
Keywords: Abbreviated procedure, principle of presumption of innocence, due process, right to defense.
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