The COVID-19 pandemic has unfeded important situations in the world, including economic problems, problems in the education sector and problems in the medical community, in addition to many others. The responsibility of health specialists to COVID-19 has meant that they face situations of great pressure in the collective. Caring for patients infected with COVID-19 poses significant risks to staff, both from the latent possibility of contagion as from the emotional and mental health impact of caring for large numbers of patients and managing a large number of deaths, which can significantly affect the physical, mental and emotional condition of the medical specialist. Based on these premises, an analysis of the emotions, values and moral strengths of health personnel is presented in this work, especially nurses, at health centers in Ecuador. It could be observed that negative emotions coexist with important moral values and strengths, which can be conditions for medical treatment and care for the sick.
Keywords: health personnel, COVID-19, work stress.
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