The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus caused feelings of fear, anxiety and depression in health personnel, who were exposed to the risk of contracting this disease. The present study focused on determining the feelings of fear, anxiety and depression experienced by health professionals due to COVID-19. The methodology applied was based on a descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional, non-experimental study. The sample consisted of 152 professionals. For data collection, the instruments for fear (FCV-19S), State-Trait Anxiety (STAI), and State-Trait Depression (IDER) were applied. Subsequently, a K-S normality test and a Spearman correlation test were performed using the statistical program Infostat and SPSS 21 for statistical analysis. The results reveal that health professionals present high levels of fear and anxiety as a consequence of COVID-19; however, they did not present high levels of depression.
Keywords: COVID-19, fear, anxiety, health personnel.
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