Gamification for the practical and efficient teaching of English


second language
teaching-learning process.

How to Cite

Mendoza Saltos, R. E., & Saltos Duenas Celia, M. L. (2021). Gamification for the practical and efficient teaching of English. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(110), 31-39.


The proficiency in a second language other than a student's natural language has become a standard, both in the academic and professional spheres. This need, which has been accentuated with the irruption of the digital era and economic globalization, has encouraged both entrepreneurs as researchers to learn about the tools and processes that allow a better and more efficient understanding of a language. This paper seeks to identify, from an academic point of view, the most outstanding aspects of gamification in its use in the teaching of English, offering conclusions about its performance and relevance.

Keywords: Gamification, second language, teaching-learning process.


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