Agile methodologies in the fundamental stages of industrial design


Agile Methodologies
Industrial Design

How to Cite

Poma Lojano, J. P., Llanes Cedeño, E. A., Peralta Zurita, D. B., & Molina Osejos, J. V. (2021). Agile methodologies in the fundamental stages of industrial design. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(110), 87-96.


This document reflects an analysis on the evolution of industrial design and agile methodologies, in order to identify their main characteristics and find those points in common that allow to conclude on the applicability of these methodologies, initially created for software development. , in a process as important as that of industrial design. According to what has been explored, and considering the values that agile methodologies support since their creation in 2001, it is determined that they can guide the design process to a functional, sustainable, useful, aesthetic, economic and formal result, creating a fundamental basis for a specific review of the methodologies that best apply and how to implement them within the field of industrial design.

Keywords: Agile Methodologies, Industrial Design, Agile.


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