Strategic planning process as a management tool in a changing financial and business environment


estrategic planning
business envirotment

How to Cite

Pazmino Gavilanez, W. E., Merchan Jacome, V. A., & Zambrano Moreira, D. E. (2021). Strategic planning process as a management tool in a changing financial and business environment. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(111), 5-13.


Strategic planning has become, for decades, a fundamental element and competitive value of the management of companies of all sizes, through the application of appropriate tools to establish the situation of the organization and its perspectives. Defining a strategy enables organizations, both public and private, to clearly define the type of activity they perform and to address the challenges of their external and internal environment, through plans oriented toward productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Through a bibliographic and documentary review, this article aims to establish the state of the question about strategic planning, especially in the context of the complexity of today's world that organizations must face, so affected by various situations such as economic contraction, the advancement of technologies, the environmental crisis, the redistribution of global power, the effects of the pandemic and new international tensions. It is concluded that strategic planning constitutes a specific competitive advantage for companies in all situations, including problems such as the current one related to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Keywords: Strategic planning, companies, business environment.


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