Constitutional justice in Ecuador has evolved in light of the 2008 Constitution, recognizing rights and implementing mechanisms for their respect and protection; However, those who are called to apply the supreme norm and carry out a conventional control in specific cases of violations of fundamental rights, are people without specialization in the matter whose resolutions converge in a continuous violation of legal security. Through a qualitative investigation and the method of documentary observation, 50 resolutions of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador were analyzed within extraordinary protection actions corresponding to the years 2020 and 2021 that originated protection actions. As a result, the lack of legal criteria in constitutional matters as evidenced by the justice operators, in the first and second instance, which forced those affected to go to the highest interpreter of constitutional justice to carry out an adequate analysis of the specific case, arising the need to create specialized judiciary in constitutional matters that hear these actions.
Keywords: Constitutional justice, violations of fundamental rights, legal security, the specialized judiciary in constitutional matters.
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