This study aims to describe the incidence of reading habits in Integral Development from a vision of sustainability in students of Higher Basic Education, through the identification of attitudes, habits, and strategies at senso-perceptive, representative, and reasoning levels in reading and writing that contribute
to enhancing critical-reflective and creative thinking. The research typology was descriptive-explanatory with a mixed approach, cross-sectional, non-experimental design, supported by analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods. The Reading Motivation Scale (EML) was applied. The sample was made up of 79 schoolchildren from 8th to 9th of EGB from a rural school in the Marcelino Maridueña canton of the province of Guayas, Ecuador. It underwent a reliability analysis with Cronbach's Alpha. The results show that more than 50% say they do not read books, demonstrating the need to encourage the reading process.
Keywords: Reading habit, Integral development, Reading.
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