Work climate as a determining factor in organizational commitment


Work environment
organizational commitment
continuous improvement

How to Cite

Polo Escobar, B. R., Hinojosa Salazar, C. A., Sandoval Caicedo, J. H., & Castaneda Sanchez, W. A. (2022). Work climate as a determining factor in organizational commitment. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(114), 60-71.


The perspective of an organization is its continuous improvement, conditioned by the factors of the perception and characteristics of the employees, as well as the actions of the institution. The objective of this article is to know the incidence of the work environment in the organizational commitment of the workers of the Regional Agrarian Directorate of Amazonas, 2019. The study is quantitative, cross-sectional, and correlational. The survey was applied to a group of 95 collaborators, the results showed that there is a dependency relationship identified according to the Pearson correlation of 0.564; with a significance level of 0.001. In this sense, we can indicate that the work environment is directly related to organizational commitment, in such a way that the greater the organizational commitment, the better the work environment, highlighting two aspects at work, such as interpersonal relationships and working conditions, which lead to growth and institutional development.

Keywords: Work environment, organizational commitment, continuous improvement.


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