The objective of this research work was to analyze the causes that generate desertion among students in the virtual modality in the Lambayeque region. The research is descriptive - propositive and quantitative. The population consisted of 510 students for the 2019 II cycle. The survey and interview were used to collect information. As a result, it was obtained that students withdraw in the first cycle and do not report formally. The reason is that they do not know or
do not adapt to the modality of studies, so the University makes an automatic reservation for them, to facilitate their return in a short time. The conclusion reached in this research was that this phenomenon does not have a single cause, but is multi-causal, which should be analyzed in-depth to know and propose solutions from the beginning of the studies, as well as not to neglect the student throughout their training process, creating strategies for them to have support, advice and continuous accompaniment.
Keywords: desertion, academic program, student, virtual modality.
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