Ludic-pedagogical strategies for the strengthening of mathematical logical reasoning


computational thinking
mathematical logical reasoning

How to Cite

Badillo Romero, J. H. (2022). Ludic-pedagogical strategies for the strengthening of mathematical logical reasoning. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(114), 162-169.


Currently, the branches of mathematics are in the worst performance and more in the logical reasoning part, being a fundamental part of computational development. This work focuses on intertwined activities that are part of a deep and detailed process that aims to strengthen logical and mathematical reasoning through the development of computational thinking among primary school teachers. The methodology used has an ethnographic design with a
qualitative approach, which is based on a diagnosis through a survey and an interview that help plan training workshops in basic computational thinking skills through digital platforms. The main results show that it is necessary to create transversality in the area of mathematics and computer science, to create the need to strengthen mathematical logical reasoning in the different grades of primary school, and to improve the teaching processes in terms of technological tools within the classroom.

Keywords: computational thinking, mathematical logical reasoning, problem-solving


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