The following research work reflects the study of the relationship and influence, besides the efficacy, that exists between the aspects of the arrangement and management of higher education in Health Sciences area and the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). A bibliographic review was carried out with criteria based on the observation to recognize the technological aspects that have eased health education area. The main results show that health education has been greatly favored with the use of technological tools due to their convenience about time and space, since user can access information and education whenever and wherever they wish to.
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[11] A. Abuhammad, J. Falah, S. Alfalah, M. Abu-Tarboush, R. Tarawneh, D. Drikakis y V. Charissis, "MedChemVR": A Virtual Reality Game to Enhance Medicinal Chemistry Education,» Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. V, nº 3, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5030010.
[12] A. Farag y D. Hashem, «Impact of Haptic Virtual Reality Simulator on Dental Student's Psychomotor Skills in Preclinical Operative Dentistry,» Clinics and Practice, vol. VII, nº 1, pp. 17-26, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/clinpract12010003
[13] J. Cabero, J. Barroso, Á. Puentes y I. Cruz, «Realidad Aumentada para aumentar la formación en la enseñanza de la Medicina,» Educación Médica Superior, vol. XXXII, nº 4, pp. 56-69, 2018.
[2] J. Cabero, C. Llorente y R. Martinez, «The Use of Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality in History of Art Teaching: A Case Study,» Applied System Innovation, vol. V, nº 3, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/asi5030044.
[3] M. Cruz-Pérez, M. Pozo-Vinueza, H. Chamorro-Sevilla y G. Urquizo-Buenaño, «Estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades investigativas con el aprovechamiento de las TIC,» Revista Ciencias Pedagógicas e información, vol. VII, nº 1, pp. 78-85, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26423/rcpi.v7i1.279
[4] P. Dúo-Terrón, A. Moreno-Guerrero y J. Marín-Marín, «ICT Motivation in Sixth-Grade Students in Pandemic Times - The influence of Gender and Age,» Education Science, vol. XII, nº 3, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12030183
[5] E. Estrada, V. Marín y J. Salinas, «Research Skills for Information Management: Uses of Mobile Devices in Research Training,» Education Sciences, vol. XI, nº 11, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11110749.
[6] K. Nikolopoulou y M. Kousloglou, «Online Teaching in COVID-19 Pandemic: Secondary School Teacher's Beliefs on Teaching Presence and School Support,» Education Sciences, vol. XII, nº 3, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12030216.
[7] M. Kerres y B. Josef, «Education after the Pandemic: What We Have (Not) Learned About Learning,» Education Sciences, vol. XII, nº 5, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12050315
[8] A. Celesti, V. Cimino, A. Naro, S. Portato, M. Fazio, M. Villari y R. Salvatore, «Recent Considerations on Gaming Console Based Training for Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation,» Medical Sciences, vol. X, nº 1, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/medsci10010013.
[9] R. Raeside, S. Partridge, A. Singleton y J. Redfern, «Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adolescents: eHealth, Co-Creation, and Advocacy,» Medical Sciences, vol. VII, nº 2, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/medsci7020034.
[10] B. Marques, J. McIntosh, A. Valera y A. Gaddam, «Innovative and Assistive eHealth Technologies for Smart Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Outdoor Spaces for the Elderly Demographic,» Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. IV, nº 4, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti4040076.
[11] A. Abuhammad, J. Falah, S. Alfalah, M. Abu-Tarboush, R. Tarawneh, D. Drikakis y V. Charissis, "MedChemVR": A Virtual Reality Game to Enhance Medicinal Chemistry Education,» Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. V, nº 3, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5030010.
[12] A. Farag y D. Hashem, «Impact of Haptic Virtual Reality Simulator on Dental Student's Psychomotor Skills in Preclinical Operative Dentistry,» Clinics and Practice, vol. VII, nº 1, pp. 17-26, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/clinpract12010003
[13] J. Cabero, J. Barroso, Á. Puentes y I. Cruz, «Realidad Aumentada para aumentar la formación en la enseñanza de la Medicina,» Educación Médica Superior, vol. XXXII, nº 4, pp. 56-69, 2018.

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