The review article focuses its analysis on judgment No. 002-09 - SAN - CC issued by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, and had to consider the inapplication of the weighting concerning to Alexy's method. In the sentence presented, it has been stated that the abstract weight variable is not applicable in the
Ecuadorian case and should be deleted from Robert Alexy's weight formula exactly, like that a reference in the Article 11.6 of the constitution of Ecuador, which it establishes the rights, that are of equal hierarchy, but, this way about weighing mind, the author's scheme is distorted. In other words, the application of this method in the reality of Ecuador is presented in a totally wrong way. Then, the Constitutional Court breaks and leaves that precedent the feasibility to fail to comply with the arguments regarding the abstract weight, and consequently, it becomes the main institution responsible for an evident legal uncertainty.
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