Assessment of the relevance of the industrial engineering career curriculum in relation to the labor market


curricular relevance
Industrial Engineering

How to Cite

Abreu Tejada, M. K., Vallejo-Ruiz, M., & del Cerro Velazquez, F. (2022). Assessment of the relevance of the industrial engineering career curriculum in relation to the labor market. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(116), 40-53.


Interculturality in higher education in Ecuador is linked to mainstreaming and programs aimed at teacher training, particularly for indigenous peoples and nationalities. This stage proposes a reflection on how the interculturality concept is used in higher education at the University of Cuenca. It had an analytical-interpretive approach of a hermeneutical nature. The results show that the interculturality concept in the programs is framed in terms of ethnic and linguistic processes. However, there is also a critical approach its questions power relations, forms of coloniality, and colonialism. In addition, it revealed the importance of mainstreaming the intercultural approach in the different postgraduate programs and that these are not exclusive to indigenous people since they must transcend ethnic and cultural processes. For this reason, those who develop the programs must adequately handle the concepts of what they want to consolidate.


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