Practical and attractive packaging increases sales or increases the rate of participation in the market. The companies use the containers without distinction of their material, mainly to contain the product or to facilitate its transfer to the places of commercialization. In general, the containers are governed by these two uses, which has caused a waste of this resource. Therefore, the objective of this writing is to generate a methodological alternative, to interactive packaging as another way of doing marketing, using voice assistants, as an element of innovation for it. In this way, the main contributions are defined as initial concepts, methodology, and results. For this, documents in Spanish and English were evaluated in databases such as Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, and Google Scholar. In addition, the functions of the voice assistant in the package are highlighted, which uses specific gesture recognition functions through commands dictated by the consumer; The use of this technology was considered the alternative since the assistants facilitate the daily life of the human being.
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