Challenges of comprehensive training in engineering schools


Engineering education
industry 4.0
educational strategies

How to Cite

Carrasco Vega, Y. L., Lopez-Cuadra, Y. M., Mori Zavaleta, R., Alvarado Ibanez, J. C., & Morales Alberto, M. (2023). Challenges of comprehensive training in engineering schools. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(118), 99-108.


This paper presents the challenges that must be assumed in the training of engineers so that these professionals have the hard and soft skills necessary to face the challenges of industry 4.0. The present demands professionals with high skills in new technologies, constantly changing, making universities must
reinforce their curricula for teaching so that learning can be permanent and effective. The permanent reinforcement in the curriculum, the focus on industrial and technological education, and a global vision will be the key for universities to achieve competitive professionals. For this work, the actions of some public
universities in the training of engineers were analyzed. Finally, an analysis of the strategies universities must assume so that future engineers have sufficient and necessary skills for modern industry is presented.


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