Problem-solving strategies program to strengthen divergent thinking in mathematics in high school students


divergent thinking
math learning
high school teaching

How to Cite

Dioses Moran, L. A., Dios Yamunaque, M. M., & Sabino Escobar, C. M. (2024). Problem-solving strategies program to strengthen divergent thinking in mathematics in high school students. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(Special), 67-76.


This study investigates the value of developing divergent thinking skills for tackling mathematical learning challenges. Employing a quantitative, applied approach with a quasi-experimental design, the study involved 50 students divided into a control and an experimental group through non-probabilistic sampling. A validated divergent thinking questionnaire, assessed by expert judgment, was used to gather data. While the pre-test results indicated limited problem-solving skills beyond acquiring the final answer, the post-test revealed significant improvements in problem comprehension, coherent reasoning, and analytical solution proposals. These findings suggest that implementing problem-solving strategies can effectively address mathematical challenges and enhance understanding of related concepts.


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